Is There A Totally Free Background Check?

Is There A Totally Free Background Check?

Background checks are a must, whether you are looking for a new employee or tenant. They let you find out more about the candidate, like their employment or criminal history.  However, is it possible to run background checks for free? The answer to this question is...
How long does a background check take?

How long does a background check take?

Background checks can take a few seconds to days. The timeline totally depends on the type of background check. Background checks can be for both employment and housing needs. Depending on the type of job type, background check timelines can differ. But background...
Does a DUI show up on a background check?

Does a DUI show up on a background check?

A DUI record, be it a felony or misdemeanor, is one of the most common things that show up on background checks. Be it employee or tenant background checks, keeping track of this information is vital for the employer or landlords. Why? Gives you a clearer judgement of...