How to Conduct Effective Employee Assessments

When done right, employee assessments inspire and motivate employees to perform better and achieve their career goals. If not performed properly, however, it could dishearten your staff. It could also cause negativity in the workplace, particularly if they feel they were evaluated unfairly. 

Schedule Assessments Regularly

Don’t make your employees feel they were caught off guard or that you’re only conducting an assessment because they’ve done something wrong. Let them know when and how often you’ll be conducting an evaluation so they could also prepare for it.

Many companies conduct annual assessments for regular or tenured employees and bi-annual performance assessment for new employees. Regardless of how often you’d like to conduct employee evaluations, make sure to be consistent about it.

Set Goals and Points of Evaluation

Employees are more open to receiving feedback when they know what they are being evaluated for. Before starting your assessment, don’t forget to inform your employees of the goals for the evaluation and points that you will be touching on.

This is the part where it’s best to mention what you’d like to address, such as their absenteeism, performance, or productivity. 

Use a Scale for Grading Skills or Performances

Peter Drucker, “The Father of Management Thinking,” once said “you can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Using a grading scale ensures that all parties are on the same page when it comes to evaluating their performance.

You and your employees may interpret “Satisfactory” differently but “4” or “5” will always have the same meaning, regardless of who is interpreting it.

Always Use Facts and Provide Tips

This is especially important when giving negative feedback. You can’t just say they’ve done a sloppy job and not explain why the job did not meet your expectations. Failing to provide facts may come across as simply being critical or subjective. After providing a negative feedback, share tips with them to improve their performance. This way, you’re actively participating in helping them improve, rather than just pointing out their weaknesses.

Create Career Goals Together

End your assessment by helping your employees set goals they can achieve in your company. Show them a career path they could take to motivate them and inspire them to move forward.

Providing objective feedback is not the same as being critical with your employees. Give them an honest assessment and pointers they can use to improve their craft and grow professionally.

Don’t know how to go about it? Let Alert Checks help you. We offer employee assessment services for leaders, company personnel, law enforcement candidates, corrections officers, and more. Send an email to or fill out our contact form for more information on our services